This edition of ICDSC welcomes you to Ghent, home of Ghent University. We thank you for your participation in the conference and look forward to the opportunity of meeting you at the event. If you have authored a paper presented at the conference, congratulations and many thanks for your impressive contribution to the program. This year, the conference is held in co-location with
ACIVS 2011, the conference on vision systems: "Advanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision Systems"; the co-location allows visitors access to both conferences which together have many interesting topics.
The conference aims to act as a forum for exchange of recent results on distributed cameras and their many potential application areas. This year’s program includes exciting opportunities to hear from and discuss with experts across the different core disciplines from system design to application development. Inspired by and aligned with the spirit of Belgium, the conference program also includes demonstrations related to smart cameras and vision.
We would like to recognize and acknowledge the generous contributions to this year’s conference by our sponsors: University of Ghent, FWO, IBBT, Object Video, Philips, NICTA, VITO, Alcatel-Lucent Bell Labs, TMC group, IEEE and ACM. The support by the teams from Ghent University and IBBT is hereby strongly acknowledged. Many thanks go to the organizing committee members and the technical program committee whose valuable support made ICDSC-11 possible.
We hope you will find this year’s program an enriching experience. Besides attending the sessions, we invite you to allocate time in your schedule to join the social activities, and visit Ghent and the rest of Belgium. Arguably an inspiring and rewarding experience.
Wilfried Philips and Richard Kleihorst, ICDSC-11 chairs