Travel Information

Travel information

From Brussels National Airport to Ghent

We recommend travelling by train from Brussels to Ghent. The train station "Brussel Nationaal" is located on the lower level of the airport building. Trains for Ghent leave several times an hour. Some are "direct" connections, others require a change-over at "Brussel Noord" (located in the city of Brussels). One-way fares in second class (which most Belgians travel in) cost approx. 12  €. The web site of the train company NMBS ( lists all the connections in the English, French and Dutch languages.
Please use the French (or Dutch) station names in your search:

  • From: "Bruxelles-Nat-air"
  • To: "Gent-Sint-Pieters" (this is usually the best choice) or "Gent-Dampoort" (this station may be closer to some hotels)

By car, the journey from Brussels to Ghent takes about 45 min. to hour (or longer during rush hour). From the airport, enter the ring-road R0 around Brussels in the direction "Brussel-Noord, Mechelen Antwerpen"; once on the R0 follow the signs "Gent" for about 14 km. At that point, keep following the signs "Gent" and thus enter the E40 motorway. After about 43km take the exit "Gent Oost, Sint-Niklaas, Antwerpen". You are now driving on the E17. Keep left and follow the B401. Next keep right and you will reach the (minor) ring-road R40. This road leads to all the main city car-parks

Taxi fares fare should be around 100 €.

Directly by train to Ghent

Most international trains (including Thalys and Eurostar) arrive in Brussel Zuid/Bruxelles-Midi. There you can take the train to Gent St-Pieters. This train goes in the direction Brugge-Oostende, but Gent (Ghent) will always be mentioned as an intermediate destination. There is a train from Brussels to Ghent every 30 minutes till +/- 23.00h.The trip Brussels - Ghent takes less then 40 minutes. There is also a direct train connection from Lille (France, station Lille Flandres) to Ghent. You are advised to leave the train at Gent St.-Pieters. There is also a second station called "Gent Dampoort". The web site of the train company NMBS ( lists all the connections in the English, French and Dutch languages.

Getting around in Ghent

The center of Ghent is traffic-free, but is served by public transportation (buses, trams, taxi's and boat-taxi). Many car-parks are located near the city center. They can be easily reached by following the so-called "parking route" which is clearly marked by traffic signs. For more information, consult the website of the city of Ghent.

Local directions to the conference venue can be found here. You can also inspect some pictures of the building and check out some information on the museums that it houses.


  • The web-site of the city of Ghent features an interactive map (which requires the Macormedia Flash plugin). Hint: Use the search box ("zoeken") and look voor "Onderbergen" to locate the venue of the conference.
  • Detailed map of the northern part of Ghent, which includes the city center and the workshop venue. The conference location is in cel G4 of the map.
  • Detailed map of the southern part of Ghent
  • Interactive map of the south part of the city. Use your right mouse button to obtain a zoom menu.