This website will host the publicly available video dataset of the 2012 Rabot fire tests and all related documents.
The RABOT2012 dataset contains recordings of 4 large-scale multi-compartment fire tests that were conducted in an apartment in one of the 'Rabot' towers in the city of Ghent (Belgium) at the end of September 2012. For a general overview and characterization of the tests we refer to our ISFEH publications listed below [1-3].
The objectives for generating the dataset were twofold: (1) to provide an objective performance evaluation for video fire detection (VFD) and video fire analysis (VFA) algorithms and (2) to apply and evaluate a multi-view video fire analysis algorithm for flame spread and smoke layer height detection within a multi-compartment setup like the Rabot fire tests.

Test descriptions
- UCFIRE rabot2012 XML file (version 1.0): rabot2012.xml
In order to allow easy access to the RABOT2012 fire tests data, we created a UCFIRE XML file conform the schema defined by Tobeck et al [ref:1]. Their XML-based data management system allows an easy way to store, access and manipulate measurements and observations from fire tests and facilitates data exchange between fire engineers/scientists.
- General set-up: setup.pdf
For more details on the RABOT2012 set-up we refer to the ISFEH paper of T. Beji [1], entitled "RABOT2012 - Presentation of the multi-compartment full-scale ('Rabot') fire tests"
Images - before/after test(s)
- TEST1 - bedroom (2 sofa's + 1 bookcase):
- TEST2 - storage room fire (1 sofa + 1 bookcase):
- TEST3 - bedroom (2 sofa's + 1 bookcase):
- TEST4 - storage room fire (1 sofa + 1 bookcase):
Videos (selection - full set of RABOT2012 videos available on request)
- TEST1 - CAM3 - bedroom (2 sofa's + 1 bookcase) - smoke height in living: TEST1_CAM3_VIDEO.avi
- TEST2 - CAM8 - storage room fire (1 sofa + 1 bookcase) - smoke height in living: TEST2_CAM8_VIDEO.avi
- TEST3 - CAM9 - bedroom (2 sofa's + 1 bookcase): TEST3_CAM9_VIDEO.avi
- TEST4 - CAM10 - storage room fire (1 sofa + 1 bookcase) - smoke height in living: TEST4_CAM10_VIDEO.avi
The video files of the dataset were recorded using 12 commercial Linksys/Cisco WVC2300 cameras (3 or 4 for each test) with a resolution of 640x480 pixels, a frame rate of 25/30 frames per second (fps) and MPEG-4 simple profile compression. The calibration of the cameras is performed using a similar technique as in [5]. Using this video data, it was possible to create a systematic chronological description of each of the four fire scenarios [1]. Furthermore, the video material can be used to test several VFD/VFA algorithms, like the flame spread analysis and smoke layer height estimation proposed in this paper.
Video Fire Analysis results (selection - full set of RABOT2012 VFD results available on request)
- TEST1 - flame spread over the sofa: TEST1_spread.xlsx
- TEST2 - smoke layer height: TEST2_height.xlsx
- TEST3 - flame spread over the sofa, flame height: TEST3_spread.xlsx
- TEST4 - smoke layer height (living): TEST4_height.xlsx
Other sensor data (selection)
- Thermocouple data - TEST1: TC_TEST1.xls
- Thermocouple data - TEST3: TC_TEST3.xls
Until the experimental data have been published in peer reviewed journals, no more data will become available online. However, in the meantime you can contact us to get access to all the data. You will have to print, sign and scan an EULA (End User License Agreement) and return it via email. We will then supply you with a username and password to download the data. We encourage other researchers to use it for testing their own fire detection/analysis and modeling methods.
Lab experiments
Performed on April 16th, 2013 @ WarringtonFireGent

Laboratory tests were performed as support tests that will provide supplementary information and more insight in the analysis of the main multi-compartment fire tests regarding, for example, the enclosure effect.
These support tests are calorimetry tests, which allowed the characterization of the fuel load (i.e. HRR profiles of each of the burning items) in free-burn conditions (i.e. open atmosphere). Video Fire Analysis (VFA) is also performed for these tests by monitoring flame spread and flame height using the flame detection algorithm.
Video Fire Analysis results
- TEST1: SOFA + BOOKSHELF (flame spread over the sofa, flame height) LAB_TEST1.xlsx
- TEST2: SOFA (flame spread over the sofa, flame height) LAB_TEST2.xlsx
Other sensor data
- HRR calculations: LAB_HRR.doc
Conference publications:
Beji, T., Verstockt, S., Merci, B.,Van de Walle, R., Abecassis-Empis, C., Krajcovic, M., and Majdalani, A., "RABOT2012 - Presentation of the multi-compartment full-scale ('Rabot') fire tests," 7th International Seminar on Fire and Explosion Hazards (2013). (ISFEH presentation)
Beji, T., Verstockt, S., Merci, B.,Van de Walle, R., Abecassis-Empis, C., Krajcovic, M., and Majdalani, A., "RABOT2012 - Enclosure effects on flame spread over a sofa and consequences on the fire development," 7th International Seminar on Fire and Explosion Hazards (2013). (ISFEH presentation)
Verstockt, S., Beji, T., Merci, B., and Van de Walle, R., "RABOT2012 - Presentation of a multi-view video dataset of the full-scale ('Rabot') fire tests," 7th International Seminar on Fire and Explosion Hazards (2013). (ISFEH presentation)
Journal publications:
Verstockt, S., Beji, T., De Potter, P., Van Hoecke, S., Sette, B., Merci, B., and Van de Walle, R., "Video driven fire spread forecasting (f)using multi-modal LWIR and visual flame and smoke data," Pattern Recognition Letters 34(1): 62-69 (2012).
Verstockt, S., Van Hoecke, S., Tilley, N., Merci, B., Sette, B., Lambert, P., Hollemeersch, C., and Van de Walle, R., "FireCube: a multi-view localization framework for 3D fire analysis," Fire Safety Journal 46(5): 262-275 (2011).
Merci, B., "Brand in de Rabottorens - De wetenschappelijke kant van brand," Open Universiteit Gent - Permanente Vorming: 29-05-2013. (Open Universiteit Gent presentatie)
More publications by T. Beji, S. Verstockt. B. Merci and R. Van de Walle can be found in the UGent database.
Tobeck, D. O., Spearpoint, M. J., and Fleischmann, C. M., "Data Structures for Fire Test Information Exchange Using XML," Fire Technology 49: 135-153 (2013).
dr. Steven Verstockt
Ghent University
Faculty of Engineering
Department of Electronics and Information Systems
Multimedia Lab
Gaston Crommenlaan 8, B-9050 Ledeberg-Ghent, Belgium
p: +32 9 33 14985
f: +32 9 33 14896